"Michigan Farm Fun: Our agritourism compass. Essential for sustainable farms and unforgettable experiences."
-- Linda Hart, Executive Director, Holland Area Visitors Bureau
“Every year, Michigan Agritourism has the most complete directory serving Michigan's agrtourism industry. It broadly includes breweries, pettings zoos, and farm to table eateries, providing added variety for our welcome visitors. I cannot say enough good things about the directory; the yearly rates have been kept low and the directory keeps adding to its value.” -
-Steve Lecklider, Lehman’s Orchard Brewery and Farmhouse, Buchanan
"We advertise in the Discover Michigan Farm Fun Directory yearly, as it gives us wide consumer reach to our website, highlighting our members products and services during the holiday season."
--Amy Start, Executive Director, Michigan Christmas Tree Association
Unique Features:
- Statewide: Featuring agritourism destinations in every region
- User-friendly—A handy printed directory that is practical, espeically for visits to rural areas where cell reception is less reliable
- Mobile-friendly—Goes hand-in-hand with michiganfarmfun.com
- A true Michigan product—produced and printed right here in Michigan
- A gateway to Michigan’s farmers—connects the public with farm life and the people behind one of the most important industries in the state
Advertisers Receive:
- A full-color display advertisement in the regional section of choice
- A digital ad on michiganfarmfun.com with a hyperlink to your website
- A feature page on our site with hyperlinks to your website and social media channels
- A listing on the Partners page with hyperlinks to your website
- Social media posts promoting your business
- Opportunities to connect with others in the agritourism industry
- Copies of the directory
Market Reach:
- 14 Michigan Welcome Centers that attract 10 million visitors each year
- 300 Michigan Farm Bureau Insurance and county Farm Bureau offices statewide
- 260+ agritourism destinations across Michigan
- Regional and local tourism offices, libraries, and other public venues
- Sponsor, partner and advertiser offices and special events throughout the year
- Up to 14,000 visitors per month (and growing!) to michiganfarmfun.com
- Social media followers on Facebook and Instagram
Advertising Costs:
Quarter page: $450; Third page: $525: Half page: $725; Full page: $1300
Need help designing your ad? Design services are available starting at $50 per hour.